STCTB raffled off this great item at the Specialty...

Radley "Fleet Street" Wheeled Suitcase

Brand new- and oh so cute!

Retail value: approximately $200-250 U.S.

The date for our 2017 STCTB

Specialty Show and Sweepstakes was

December 15, 2017    Orlando, Florida

And for the...

AKC National Championship Dog Show

December 16-17, 2017    Orlando, Florida

 STCTB designed and staffed the Scottish Terrier "Meet the Breed Booth"

again this year to represent our breed to the public.   

And, we are so excited to announce, that our booth was selected as

First Place winner in the Terrier Group booth judging! 

Enjoy these pictures!

And the lucky winner was-  Patty Spence!

Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets. 

We raised over $800 to support STCTB activities through this raffle.

2017 Specialty Show and Sweepstakes

Our Specialty Was a Great Success!

Our 2017 theme was "Ready to Em-Bark!"